Latest News About Ronin Bridge Hacks

May 03,2022
Ronin Network Attacker Transferred Over 20,000 ETH to New Address KingData News: According to OKLink data, the attacker address of Ronin Network transferred 23,528.8 ETH (about $67 million) to the new address 0x3e37627deaa754090fbfbb8bd226c1ce66d255e9 at 16:23:28 Beijing time on May 3, and the current balance of the attacker's address is about 12597.1 ETH. , worth about $36 million.
On March 29, the Ronin bridge and Katana Dex have been halted after suffering an exploit for 173,600 Ethereum (ETH) and 25.5 million USD Coin (USDC), worth a combined $612 million, which is the highest loss in the history of DeFi. This indicator trackes the latest news of Ronin bridge hacks for the first time.

