Developers Excluded From Broker Label in New DCCPA Bill Draft

Oct 20,2022
KingData News: AA new draft of the Digital Commodities Consumer Protection Act (DCCPA), which the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) would use to regulate the industry, has been uploaded to GitHub, and many crypto stakeholders are relieved. New language added to the bill would specifically exclude software developers from being counted as digital commodity brokers. Being classified as a broker would entail specific tax reporting requirements, which software developers would not be able to do without centralized management of their platforms. Previous bills have defined broker broadly to include node operators and wallet manufacturers, which this bill specifically excludes. The draft also includes new language that would order the CFTC to provide a report on the DeFi market size and protocols within 180 days of the enactment of the bill. It would also order the CFTC to liaise with foreign regulators to ensure that U.S. rules harmonize with international regulations.
This index tracks global regulatory move targeted at cryptocurrency and blockchain industry.

