DefiChain Stable Coin DUSD Has Been Decoupled for Months, Current Price $0.65

Nov 22,2022
KingData News: The tenth largest TVL public chain, DefiChain stablecoin DUSD, has been decoupled for several months and currently stands at about $0.65. According to @0xsurferboy, DUSD can be minted by pledging cryptocurrency, but to mint a DToken like DUSD, the collateral needs to contain 50% DFI and the rest can be BTC, ETH, USDC, etc. DUSD decoupling dates back to the DFIP2112 proposal passed during the 2021 bull market, which allowed DFI to be used to repay DUSD loans/collars, which increased the effectiveness of DFI while also creating a form of premium arbitrage. There are currently over 500 million DToken minted, of which DUSD accounts for 264.8 million.
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