Track Celebrity Twitter that affects the price of the currency

Nov 27,2023
DuJun: With bitcoin's layer2 and the emergence of new assets such as inscriptions, Ethereum's Defi Summer will likely repeat in the Bitcoin ecosystem with a larger TVL scale. However, the Bitcoin ecosystem is more decentralized, there is no VC, there is no one to guide the direction, the innovation will be faster and more chaotic, and we need to go anyway.
This indicator tracks the latest tweets of celebrities such as Elon Musk , CZ (CEO of Binance), SBF (founder of FTX), Du Jun (co-founder of Huobi), Jay Hao (CEO of OKX), PlanB (creator of Bitcoin S2F model), V God(VitalikButerin), A16z (well-known investment institution) etc. The indicator will be the first to broadcast when the above celebrities tweet.

