Quality Project Financing Tracking

Feb 01,2024
in the past 1 day, 4 projects have completed a total of $9.5M financing: ProjectName: Yet Another Company, funding: $1M, round: Private Category: Infrastructure RelatedLinks: https://x.com/yetanotherco/status/1752512947958530238 LeadInvestors: LambdaClass,C2 Ventures,Gagra Ventures Introduction: A fast trust minimized intent based bridge solution for Ethereum and L2s powered by multi-proof storage proofs ProjectName: Squid, funding: $4M, round: Strategic Category: DEX RelatedLinks: https://x.com/squidrouter/status/1752744770646990850 LeadInvestors: Polychain Capital Investors: Nomad Capital,North Island Ventures,Maelstrom,Chorus One,The Department of XYZ,Breed VC,Binary Builders,Typhon Ventures,Distributed Global,Fabric Ventures,Node Capital,Chapter One Introduction: secure cross-chain router that enables interoperability between blockchains and apps ProjectName: Navi Protocol, funding: $2M Category: DeFi RelatedLinks: https://x.com/navi_protocol/status/1752585066721734872?s=20 LeadInvestors: OKX Ventures,Dao5,Hashed Investors: Mysten Labs,Comma3 Ventures,Mechanism Capital,GeekCartel Capital, Nomad Capital,Coin98 Ventures,Cetus Protocol,Maverick,ViaBTC,Assembly Partners,Gate.io,Hailstone Labs,Benqi Finance,LBank Labs Introduction: All-in-one Lending, Borrowing, and Liquid-Staking Platform ProjectName: Ithaca Protocol, funding: $2.5M, round: Pre-Seed Category: decentralized protocol for perpetual options RelatedLinks: https://x.com/IthacaProtocol/status/1752681699274887678 LeadInvestors: Cumberland,Wintermute Investors: Room40 Ventures,Ghaf Capital Partners,Andrew Keys,Stan Miroshnik,Georgios Vlachos Introduction: Composable options protocol
This indicator broadcasts a daily tracking of the financing of quality projects.

